Technical specifications
Overview Product Specifications 1
Characteristics | LSTprecision | LSTzoom | LSTfusion | LST30 |
Spatial Resolution 2 | 30m | 10m | 30m | 30m |
Swath | 17.5km | 17.5km | Various | 110km |
Scene Size | 15km x 15km | 15km x 15km | 110km x 110km | 110km x 110km |
Frequency 3 | 2025: every 4 days 2026: every 2 days 2027: daily | 2025: every 4 days 2026: every 2 days 2027: daily | 2025: every 8 days 2026: daily 2027: hourly and forecast | Up to every 8 days |
Coverage | worldwide tasking | worldwide tasking | Q2 2025: EU, corn belt Q3 2025: India Q4 2025: Worldwide | worldwide |
Local acquisition time 4 | Q2 2025: 10:30h Q4 2025: 10:30h & 13:30h 2026: 01:30h, 10:30h, 22:30h | Q2 2025: 10:30h Q4 2025: 10:30h & 13:30h 2026: 01:30h, 10:30h, 22:30h | 2025: Data delivery for 10:30h UTC 2027: hourly at mid-hour | 10:30h |
Type of images | 2025: day imagery 2026: day and night imagery | 2025: day imagery 2026: day and night imagery | 2025: day imagery 2026: day and night imagery | day imagery |
Availability | 2025-ongoing | 2025-ongoing | 2014-ongoing | 2014-ongoing |
Launch Date | Q2 2025 | Q2 2025 | Q1 2025 | Available today |
Acquisition Angle | up to 30° | up to 30° | various, anisotropy correction planned | |
Temperature accuracy 5 | <2K @ 0.03K NEDT | <3K | <5K | <3K |
Latency 6 | 2025: <3 days 2026: <24 hrs 2027: <12 hrs | 2025: <3 days 2026: <24 hrs 2027: <12 hrs | 2025: < 3 days 2026: NRT (tbd) 2027: forecasting (tbd) | < 3 days |
Calibration and Validation | In-situ data validation following CEOS standards. Patented cross calibration of HiVe with higly accurate calibated public missions | In-situ data validation following CEOS standards. Patented cross calibration of HiVe with higly accurate calibated public missions | In-situ data validation following CEOS standards. Patented cross calibration of HiVe with higly accurate calibated public missions | CalVal approach of input datasets |
Capability Statement
This document is intented to always provide you the latest version of our capability statement. Download here
Performances are only warranted for daytime observations of land surfaces (for islands only if larger than 100 km2) between 50 o S and 55 o N. All numbers are cloud coverage dependen ↩
Defined as resampled pixel size of Land Surface Temperature (LST) products. For LSTprecision and LSTzoom native nadir looking Ground Sampling Distance (GSD) at 540km altitude is 28.9 m for Thermal Infrared data, while GSD for LSTfusion varies with different input data sources. GSD defined as a pixel projection on ground. For LSTzoom higher resolution VNIR bands are used for sharpening to 10m. ↩
For LSTprecision and LSTzoom frequency relates to the geometric revisit time, defined as the mean number of observation opportunities over a period of 3 months. In 2025 < 4 days is equatorial, < 3 days at ± 40o+ latitudes and < 2 days between ± 60o and ± 80o latitude. For LSTfusion frequency defines the regularity with which data output is delivered. ↩
Defined in UTC at equator with ensured observation time consistency of maximum 1h difference between local time of two acquisitions of a same area or adjusted accordingly. Subject to final orbits and constellation geometry. Applicable only to day-time observations. ↩
Defined as absolute temperature error. Value defined at Mid-Latitude Summer atmosphere, ground temperature of 295K, ground cover with emissivity 0.98. High atmospheric water vapour may lead to local deviations in temperature accuracy. The Noise Equivalent Temperature Difference (NETD) is defined as the minimum resolvable temperature difference. ↩
Defined as the time between image acquisition by a satellite and delivery of LST data corresponding to the acquisition. 2σ (95%) over 1000 deliveries. ↩