Constellr LST30
Constellr LST30 consists of homogenized rasters of Land Surface Temperature (LST) data. These are their characteristics:
All thermal datasets are spectrally harmonised using a single in-house algorithm to retrieve LST.
The data are delivered as if they were coming from a single satellite constellation.
The geometry is aligned in all images: all images of an are of interest will show a perfect pixel alignment, regardless of the source.
Each pixel holds a temperature value in degree Kelvin.
Pixels that do not contain temperature values hold a ‘nodata’ value. Some zones may show empty pixels in several or all images, due to issues in the data processing from the public providers.
Have a look at our Technical specifications documentation Here
File-naming convention
Various layers are provided and follow this compact naming convention:
- YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS is the datatake sensing time of the land surface temperature in isoformat. Time is based on Universal Time Coordinated (UTC), also known as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
aa indicates what contains the file
- LST_AOI.tif: LST raster pixel value: Kelvin Degree
CLOUDS_AOI.tif: Cloud mask raster
pixel values: 0=clear pixel, 1=contamined pixel
cloud mask is made of cloud and shadow pixels
.json: Metadata json
Data Sources
Constellr LST30 leverages data from different missions:
- Lisr, constellr property
- Landsat 8 and 9 from USGS
- Era5 and CAMS from CDSAPI
- MODIS (soon)
- Sentinel 3 (soon)
Legal notice: Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data, Landsat 8 and 9 images (U.S. Geological, Survey), Copernicus Climate Change Service information, Copernicus Service information, modified Modis data (courtesy of the NASA - LP DAAC) and modified Ecostress data (courtesy of the NASA - JPL).