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Product deliverables

Constellr's product deliverables include several layers, which are outlined below.

Product Deliverables
Images files TIR and VNIR for your area of interest - cloud optimized geotiff format
Quicklooks for thermal and optical data geotiff format
Metadata file json and xml format, STAC & INSPIRE compliant
Cloud Mask geotiff format : pixel values: 0=clear pixel, 1=contamined pixel (both cloud and shadow pixels)
Quality data layer geotiff format
Thumbnails for thermal and optical data .jpg format

Metadata conventions

The metadata file provided with the constellr products contains various pieces of information that you can retrieve below:

Metadata field Definition
area_of_interest_id Internal aoi id
area_of_interest_name Internal aoi name
organization_id Internal organization id
bbox bbox coordinates of the Area of Interest
l1_item_href Landsat l1 data source
l2_item_href Landsat l2 data source
scene_datetime Image acquisition datetime
processing_datetime Start of constellr processing image datetime
cloud_ratio_aoi Percentage of cloud cover over the aoi
na_ratio_aoi Percentage of nan values over the aoi
min_lst Minimum LST value (in Kelvin)
max_lst Maximum LST value (in Kelvin)
median_lst Median LST value (in Kelvin)
sun_elevation Sun's elevation angle for a given geographical bounding box and time
proj:epsg Reference projection in epsg
proj:shape The shape of the spatial object in terms of the width and height, or the dimensions of the ara covered
proj:transform The transformation matrix that is used to transform coordinates between different spatial reference systems
sat_source Public data source used for satellite sensors
atm_source Public data source used for atmospheric data
requested_area_of_interest Coordinates of the AOI requested (Polygon)
geometry Coordinates of the Polygon returned

Data delivery of all data points through constellr's end-user platform via UI download or API.

In case you are curious to leverage any of our data layers for your analysis, please refer to the table summarizing the technical specifications for each of our products.

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